Sunday, August 31, 2008

Closed On Labor Day

I know you all have better things to do than shop on Labor Day :) but just in case you were planning on stopping by we will be closed Monday, September 1st.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ladies Day Out Event - Saturday, September 13th!

Click the image below for a full view....

Friday, August 1, 2008

Aaaarrghhhh! Don't Miss our Sidewalk Sale!

Don't forget, all ye land-lubbers, that we're having a
blowout-of-a-sidewalk-sale on Saturday, August 2nd
during all the Drayton Harbor Days festivities.
We literally have HUNDREDS of items
that will be marked 25% - 90% off!
High End Bedding
High End Table Linens
Picnic Baskets
Decorative Signs
Home Decor
and lots more!
We'll be open 10am - 6pm
Stop by early for the best stuff!